6 Downsides to Homeschooling
6 Downsides to Homeschooling

There are definitely some downsides to homeschooling which I feel are important to share. Coming from a homeschooling mum of 6 who has been homeschooling for over 10 years.
This isn’t meant to put anyone off, it’s more just to give an idea as to what to expect. Having said that, everyone’s situations vary widely so some may not come across all of theses hurdles.
So let’s get into it:
1. No time apart
I love my kids with my whole heart but having them with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 365 days a year can be TOUGH! Especially when they're young. If you have friends and family who are able to help babysit for a couple of hours here and there then this won’t be as much of a struggle since you will manage to get a little break. But for those of us who don’t have that, it can be really challenging.
- I remember someone describing homeschooling like, having the summer holidays but they never end. I guess to some aspect that’s a good way to describe it. Trying to cook meals and clean the house with the kids home all day. The millions of snacks your kids ask for allll day. Any plans you make, you need to consider the kids first. Depending on the age of your kids, you can’t just pop to the corner shop to grab a packet of bread. It becomes a whole family outing.

2. Expensive
Homeschooling can become really expensive. Not to say you can’t homeschool on a budget but it does come with its challenges.
Just think, basic school supplies need to be purchased by you. Then as they get older, if they sit exams that’s another huge expense. Also things like tuition, workshops, trips/days out etc can really add up, especially when you have multiple kids.
Don't let the downsides to homeschooling put you off trying it
3. Stress
I feel like there are 2 types of stress when it come to homeschooling.
Firstly, It can be really stressful trying to homeschool, wondering if you’ve made the right decision, not sure if what your teaching is working, whether you’re doing enough.
When you’re first starting out (depending on the age of your kids) the kids just don’t see mum (or dad) as an authority figure like they would a teacher.
So it can take some time and a lot of patience for them to take you seriously and to stop trying to dictate what they should be doing.
Secondly just trying to maintain a household while spending almost all day doing something or other with the kids can become difficult.
Some days just managing to make dinner is a huge win.

4. Time consuming
There is so much that goes into homeschooling and it really does take up a LOT of time.
There’s planning and preparing work. Booking and attending workshops, play dates, libraries etc.
Then sometimes you take them to a workshop 35 mins away but since its only a 2 hour workshop it doesn’t really make sense for you to drive back home so you just end up sitting and waiting in the car.
5. Organisation
To make the most of homeschooling you need to have some level of organisation to really reap the benefits.
For some people, organisation doesn’t come naturally or even easily. If this is the case then it can prove to be quite challenging.

6. Self discipline
I think this is probably the biggest component. You need a lot of self discipline to homeschool.
I’m not talking 5.30 wake ups with a full day of sitting at the table working military style.
But just like anything else, homeschooling needs consistency.
In order to be able to teach a child to read, you need to teach daily. Missing a week here and there means they’re pretty much back to square one.
And with younger kids, missing a few days has similar results. If you’re teaching phonics and you take a few days break, it’s likely your little one has forgotten what they’ve already learnt, since it’s only in their short term memory.
- Also this discipline with consistency will mean your children are more likely to be cooperative when it comes to your homeschool routine since they get used to it and know what’s expected.
Take today for example. I ended up falling back to sleep after morning prayers and not coming down until 10! But because my kids knew what was expected of them, they had already started working through their schedule and managed to complete work they didn’t need help with.
To get to this point takes a lot of time and discipline.
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