Homeschooling Tips for Beginners
What I Wish I Knew Before Homeschooling - Homeschooling Tips for Beginners

These homeschooling tips for beginners are tips I wish I knew before starting my homeschooling journey over 10 years ago.
Homeschooling is an unpredictable rollercoaster—equal parts exciting, messy, and full of surprise twists.
—kind of like assembling IKEA furniture without the instructions (sorta seems impossible even with instructions am I right?).
Before I started, I had a head full of Pinterest-perfect expectations and a heart full of doubts. Now? Let’s just say I’ve learned a thing or two (mostly the hard way). I didn’t know anyone who was homeschooling and wasn’t aware there were thousands of people homeschooling in the UK. (In fact I had even assumed it was illegal at one point.) If you’re thinking about homeschooling or just diving in, here are some things I really wish someone had told me.
1. Homeschooling Isn’t School At Home
I thought homeschooling meant setting up a mini-classroom in my house, complete with a chalkboard and scheduled breaks. ( I clearly needed to do some research on homeschooling tips for beginners). Spoiler alert: Learning happens anywhere—on the couch, in the kitchen, even while making a snack (hello, fractions!). The beauty of homeschooling is its flexibility, so if schedules don’t work for you then lean into spontaneity!

2. Every Child Learns Differently (Even Siblings)
If you have more than one kid, don’t expect them to learn the same way. Boy did I learn this the hard way!
One kid might thrive on workbooks, while the other stares at a worksheet like it’s written in hieroglyphics. Some kids need movement, others need a quiet place to think and some just need snacks! Be prepared to experiment and pivot to what suits each child. You will only learn this along the road.
Homeschool Tips
3. The "Perfect Curriculum" is a Myth
I poured so much time and money into searching for the “ultimate” curriculum The truth? There isn’t one. Learning is fluid, and sometimes the best approach is mixing and matching different resources. And if something isn’t working? Toss it. You’re not stuck with it just because you paid for it. This is possibly one of my biggest homeschool tips for beginners. If something doesn’t work for you - this isn’t exclusive to homeschooling - don’t feel like you are stuck with it because you paid for it. The money has already left your account! It ain’t coming back, just get rid of it.

4. Homeschooling Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune
Guess what: You don’t need to spend a fortune on fancy programs and supplies. Don’t follow the crowd before doing your research.
The library is free. YouTube is free. There are so many incredible, low cost- budget-friendly resources out there. Your wallet doesn’t have to suffer for your child’s education. It just takes a little planning.
5. Socialisation is Not an Issue (Unless You Live Under a Rock)
Ah yes, the age-old question: "But what about socialisation?!" Listen, homeschoolers are not recluses. There are co-ops, sports, extracurriculars, playdates, and even gasp local kids. In fact, homeschoolers often have more social opportunities than traditionally schooled kids—without the drama of the school run!

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These "homeschooling tips for beginners" aren't exclusive to beginners.
6. You Don’t Have to Do This Alone
Trying to homeschool solo can make you feel like you’re stuck on a tiny island with nothing but your kids and a bunch of workbooks. Finding a support system—whether online, through local groups, or just a few fellow homeschool parents—can be a game-changer. You need people to vent to, swap ideas with, and remind you that you’re not failing. This is a MUST! Find other people who can relate.
It won’t happen immediately, give it time.
7. Some Days Will Be an Absolute Mess. (And That’s Okay)
There will be days when nothing goes right. Your kids wake up grumpy and decide that’s their attitude for the day. You lose your patience. The house looks like a tornado hit it. And that’s fine. Some days, homeschooling is about survival, and that’s normal. Take a break, reset, and try again tomorrow. It’s ok to write off the day. Forcing everyone to sit and comply my lead to burnout far worse than if you took a break.
Just know that anyone who tells you they homeschool everyday with no issues is 1000% lying to you!
8. Learning Happens in the Most Unexpected Ways
Turns out, real-life experiences teach just as much (if not more) than textbooks. Baking? That’s science and maths. Grocery shopping? Budgeting and social skills. (And even spelling if you get your child to write the shopping list.) Binge-watching a documentary series? Boom, history lesson done! (My kids have learnt so much about life in Siberia from just videos alone.) Learning is everywhere—you just have to recognise it and take advantage of it.

A Challenge that's Worth It
9. Your Relationship With Your Child Will Grow in Ways You Can’t Imagine
This is definitely one of the biggest perks of homeschooling? The bond it builds between you and your child. Sure, they’ll test your patience (and your sanity), but you’ll also witness their "aha!" moments firsthand. It’s messy, challenging, and incredibly rewarding all at the same time. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Final Thoughts
If I could go back and tell myself one thing before starting this journey, it would be: Breathe. Laugh. Let go of perfection. Homeschooling isn’t about nailing every lesson—it’s about raising curious, confident, and resilient kids. Don’t let Instagram and Pinterest fool you into believing it’s possible to achieve perfection. Social media’s just a highlight reel, not behind the scenes.
If you’re on this homeschooling adventure, I’d love to hear from you! What’s something you wish you knew before you started? Drop it in the comments!