Creative Ways to Make Homeschooling Fun

10 Creative Ways to Make Homeschooling Fun

Creative ways to make homeschooling fun

Everyone needs to know some ways to make homeschooling more fun. 

Let’s be honest, homeschooling isn’t always Pinterest worthy. I mean yeah some days it runs wonderfully well. Smooth sailing from the moment you wake up, routine is followed, no mishaps, no tantrums.

Other days? Well, where do I begin. Let’s put it lightly and say its absolute chaos (Yes that’s putting it lightly - trust me). Those days leave you abandoning everything and ordering dessert to eat in your pjs!

But don’t worry, homeschooling doesn’t’t have to be a battle between parents and kids!

In fact here we have curated a list of creative way to make homeschooling fun. (Not just for the kids)

lies about homechool

Let's Make Homeschooling More Fun!

1. Hands on learning - embrace the mess

Some days you need to let the house standards drop a little and make way for some fun hands on learning. Nobody wants to learn about volcanos through worksheets only.

Make an erupting volcano using baking sods and vinegar. Or do science experiments, they can be really simple ones. Or do some baking (and then enjoy the results!). Making homeschooling more fun doesn’t need to be complicated.

2. Turn lessons into games

Ok seriously, if kids can memorise 85 Pokemon names  but struggle with their time tables, the issue is probably not their memory - it’s how we teach.

They’re clearly bored and so not interested in what we are teaching them so their mind just switches off.

This is where we need to make homeschooling more fun. Not just for our kids but also for our sanity!

So get ahead and turn learning into a game. It could be simple things like a spelling bee where where everyone dresses up as a character. Or scavenger hunts for maths.

3. Switch Rolls

Yes, you read that right. Switch rolls with your kids where you are the student and they are the teacher.

This is so much fun for the children as they love being in charge. Get them to plan out a lesson and “teach” you. This is a really great way for you to see how much of their learning they actually understand.

You might end up getting schooled on the solar system in ways you never expected - just be ready for some wild inaccuracies!

Homeschool Fun does not equal More Work for you!

4. Head outside.

This ones really simple but highly effective. I love that it doesn’t really take much pre planning.

Just grab your stuff and head outside. Whether it’s maths in the park, chemistry in the garden or even reading time on the swings.

Nature really is the best classroom. (The best bit? It will tire them out for a smoother bedtime!)

5. Theme day

 This is actually one of my favourite ways to make homeschooling fun!

One thing I’m looking forward to doing with my kids is presentations about a famous historic person, but you need to be dressed up as them to give the presentation, and you will need to use the voice you assume they had! 

You could even have “Crazy hat maths day”. Theme days turn ordinary lessons into exciting memories.

And trust me, nothing cements the memory of Albert Einstein quite like seeing your kid give a presentation in a fake beard.

Simplify Your Homeschool Fun

6. Take brain breaks

We’ve had moments when it get tense and you can just sense someone is about to fling a ruler across the room.

You want to just get ahead of these moments instead of letting them erupt and change the trajectory of the entire day.

These are the moments where everyone needs to take a brain break. Do a 5 minute stretch, or a quick jog around the garden or maybe even have a dance party.

This short adjustment in your day can reset the mood and makes it easier to get back on track.

7. Be sneaky with learning.

Homeschooling isn’t just about workbooks.

You can sneak learning into so many aspects of your day.

Grocery shopping is maths, cooking is science and negotiating bedtime is definitely learning to debate!

Turning little everyday moments into learning opportunities means educations becomes a lifestyle.

8. Follow your Childs interests

A child who wants to lean is a child who will learn!

If your child is obsessed with a certain topic like animals or space, lean into it. You can cover almost any subject through their passion.

9. Incorporate humour into the day

Homeschooling means you need survival instincts. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

Read funny books, encourage silly storytelling or maybe even write your own crazy poems. Laughter equals fun, so that’s a win!

life without school homeschool

Homeschooling Should Be Fun For Mamas Too

10. Go easy on yourself.

I know you might see this everywhere but that’s because it’s actually important! YOU are important!

Your role is important. The way you feel literally defines your homeschool. So you need to allow yourself some grace.

Homeschooling isn’t about perfection. I don’t care what you see online. 90% of it is either completely fake or altered to appear a certain way.

(I started my instagram page to show homeschooling realities and on some days when I felt we hardly managed anything, I’ve had people ask me how I manage to do so much! It’s when I realised that me just showing my day seems like I’m doing an amazing job but in reality no one can see what our actual day is like.)

Some homeschool days are magical, but others are a hot mess. It’s just the way it is! And that’s ok!

Take a deep breath, pour another cup of coffee and remind yourself that your kids are learning more than you think. And you are one amazing mama!

So let’s embrace the chaos, make learning and adventure and keep the laughter flowing.

And if all else fails - order that dessert, get in your pjs and grab a spoon!

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