Conversation Starter for kids - Chit Chat Cube
Conversation Starter for kids - Table talk - Chit Chat Cube

Chit Chat Cube - Table talk Conversation Starter for kids
Benefits of conversation starters for kids
This conversation starter for kids is the perfect activity to incorporate into your dinner table talk for those days when everyones just feeling a bit meh. Or maybe add it as part of your homeschool day.
Sometimes the dinner table talk is thriving and other times all you hear is the sound of munching and not much else. This fun activity can get the conversation going which can often lead to a much longer conversation rather than just the basic act of answering questions. It gives you a chance to get the kids to open up and answer question you probably wouldn't normally ask while still keeping it fun and engaging.
If dinner table talk is not your thing, maybe just incorporate it in your homeschool day. In homeschooling, where the learning environment is more flexible, conversation starters can be a valuable tool for tailoring lessons to your child's interests and incorporating their input into the curriculum.
Incorporating things into the curriculum based on the child's interest is definitely a MAJOR benefit of homeschooling. But not all parents choose to take that route and that's absolutely fine! That's the beauty of homeschooling. YOU decide what works best for your family and your situation. No two families/situations are alike so likewise we also shouldn't compare home ed lives.
Conversation starters with children are like magic keys that unlock a world of benefits.🗝
For starters, they help build strong connections and trust between adults and kids. It's like laying the foundation for a solid friendship house. Kids just want to be heard so taking the time out to listen to what they have to say and discussing things has so many benefits not only for the child but also for your relationship with your child!💝
Plus, these conversation starters promote language development and critical thinking skills. Think of it as giving their little brains a good workout! The best part is that the kids aren't fixated on the fact that they're learning skills; instead, they're fully immersed in the fun they're having.
Beyond that, conversation starters can also be a gateway to understanding a child's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Conversation starters are just that. Starters! But once you get started, you can't stop!
It's like opening a window into their world, and that can be super helpful for parents, teachers, or anyone who wants to support and guide them.
So, next time you're chatting with a kiddo, don't be shy about using those conversation starters—they're like secret superpowers for building awesome relationships!

Incorporating conversation starters in your homeschool can be a fantastic tool for various reasons.
- First and foremost, it adds an element of fun and engagement to the learning process. And who doesn't want more fun in their day!🤩
- It can turn an ordinary lesson into an exciting discussion, making the learning experience more enjoyable for both you and your child. Homeschooling can be difficult! So something like this can lighten the load, even if it's for a short while.
- Also, it creates a collaborative and interactive learning environment. Rather than a one-way flow of information, conversations allow for a dynamic exchange of ideas.
- This can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and may even spark curiosity and further exploration.
@life_without_school A simple yet fun conversation start for your kids! We loved this, my 5 year old took it with her everywhere so she could ask people questions😅 #learnthroughplay #toddlertok #homeschoolideas #homeeducation #toddleractivities #newtohomeschooling #homeschoolactivities #homeschoolforbeginners
♬ original sound - Life_without_school
Still not convinced? Here are a few more benefits..
Starting a conversation with children using engaging and open-ended questions have so many benefits!
- It can help build a positive and trusting relationship. Children may feel more comfortable and open when they sense genuine interest in their thoughts and experiences.
- Conversation starters also encourage children to think critically and express their ideas. It enhances their language skills as they learn to articulate their thoughts and feelings. Additionally, it fosters creativity and imagination, allowing them to explore and share their unique perspectives.
- Furthermore, it can be a great way to understand a child's emotions, experiences, and concerns, creating an opportunity for guidance and support when needed.
- Overall, these conversations contribute to a child's social, emotional, and intellectual development in a positive and nurturing way.
Need more conversation starters?
Click here to get your hands on some more conversation starters.
Some days our day is thriving, we are all raring to go and everyone is just getting with their project (and actually enjoying themselves). However we definitely have those days where everyone just seems a little out of it. Like they're still half asleep or something!
Trying to speak to them is honestly like speaking to a brick wall and trying to get a conversation started is like trying to get water out of a rock!
That's usually the point where I would be likely to pull out a conversation starter. Not specifically this one but just anything to just get the conversation going.
I like this one because it has the fun of cutting and making your very own dice first! (OK I know the word dice is plural and die is the singular term but why does it feel so weird! Maybe I needed to be exposed to the word die a little more when I was younger)
OK where was I.... I get sidetracked wayyy too quickly!
As I was saying, I like that there's an element of prep before actually taking part in the conversation starter, that way their walls are already starting to come down before we've even begun with the questions.
If you have multiple children, this could be a fun activity they could do together while you work one on one with your child. It keeps them busy but also keeps them working together. I find my kids start off reluctant to do it (especially since I pull it out when they are already in an off mood) and by the end they are laughing as loud as they possibly can. This is usually the point where I feel glad my neighbours don't work from home! Otherwise I would need to go and apologise, possibly with some baked goods in tow.
Side note: If you're taking a baked good to your neighbour, what would be your go to dessert? Asking for a friend
And more importantly, what's the baked good you would love to receive from your neighbour?
Mine will differ depending on what I'm in the mood for that day. 🤭