Creative Writing Prompts - Story with a Twist - 5 Pages
5 Pages of Creative Writing Prompts!

Story with a Twist - Creative Writing FREE Worksheets!
5 Pages of Creative Writing Prompts!
These writing prompts are the perfect addition to your homeschool mornings.
While the kids are settling down to begin the day this is great creative writing exercise to have ready and waiting. It keeps them busy while you finish off the last bits before settling down to your homeschool. (Or maybe you just want a cup of coffee in peace before the mayhem begins).
As someone who's child really struggled with creative writing, I've found these kind of worksheets to be particularly helpful.
Because this activity isn't set as "work" and is just an addition to the day, it's often not as intimidating and over time I've found my kids to really come into their own!
If you feel you want your child to add more detail, you could try asking questions about what they've written. I would recommend you don't ask them to write it down. It's just to get them thinking, and who knows, maybe next time they will choose to add more details!
Remember homeschooling is a marathon not a sprint.
Small consistent steps are far more likely to help you reach your goals so don't panic if your child is still struggling once they've completed all 5 sheets.
Disclaimer: This site may contain affiliate links. This means that I get a tiny percentage every time someone purchases a recommended item. Having said that I NEVER recommend something we don’t use and love.

This book is something I have recommended before and honestly it's great!
It can really help get creative with writing, it gives ideas and explanations.
There's so much valuable content in it. I actually didn't buy this book, my husband saw it and picked it up for my kids. And I'm so grateful!
I've spotted my kids referring back to it when they're trying to write stories and are stuck for ideas.
What's the point?
As someone who didn't even have the faintest idea about "creative writing" skills when I first started our home educating journey over 10 years ago.
(I just assumed all writing was "creative")
I genuinely can't stress how much benefit it brings!
Learning to get creative with writing is so much more than just that!
- First and foremost it's a stepping stone (a BIG stepping stone) to increasing communication skills. I guess it makes sense right? If you know how to get creative with your writing, in turn you will be more likely to be able express yourself well.
- You get better at getting those thoughts and feelings put into words. Kind of like a muscle that helps you express yourself. The more you train it, the stronger it will become. (Tell me this isn't a life skill!)
- It can help to encourage your child to think critically. They can have a much deeper understanding which helps in so many aspects of life.

Another book that we use and love (and one that I've recommended before) is this Usborne book.
We've had this book for agesss and I've used it for 5 out of 6 of my kids (youngest is yet to use it).
I like that it has a list of characters, settings etc to make it a little easier for the child.
It takes a little story writing pressure off.
Still not convinved?
- When creating characters and scenarios your child is more likely to put themselves in the characters shoes. Thus leading to them to being more empathic. As well as understanding the struggles and hardships people go through. (We definitely need more empaths in todays world!)
- When you practice writing creatively, you get better at using words in different ways. This means learning new words, understanding grammar rules better and developing unique writing skills.
- Being good with language can help with school, work and personal skills!
- Creative writing skills are much sought after in different careers. Whether that's advertising, marketing, teaching and much more! I personally believe it's a great skill to have in any career.
- It's the perfect skill if your child plans to homeschool their children.
- I'll leave it there but I could honestly go on and on about this!🙈
I've created some more creative writing worksheets for you to use. This download consists of 35 pages, meaning it should last you almost 2 months!
You'll be surprised at your child's progress after they complete them all.
More rescources!🥳
Creative writing games!
Here are 8 game ideas from - Some really fun ideas which help get your children creative with their writing!
These ideas are just fab! From - I'll be saving these to use with my kids!
And finally these brilliant ideas from - I love how these are aimed at younger children but could definitely be adapted for older kids!
Honestly there are soo many resources out there, these are just a few of my favourites.
Have a look on pinterest for more ideas!
The beauty of homeschooling

If your child is still struggling after a good while of trying. Remember, firstly that every child is different and they all learn at their own pace so don't compare!
And secondly, try changing your methods. Whether that's making it less formal and more play based, bringing some friends into the mix or even turning it into a project with loads of arts and crafts involved.
Such is the beauty of homeschooling! And what better than to take advantage of that privilege.
Maybe even take a break from it and come back to it when you are all refreshed and ready to tackle it head on!

One important aspect of teaching creative writing is making sure your child is reading!
Whether that's you reading to them or them reading independently There's so much to be gained from reading stories.
There's so much creativity in books and subconsciously we pick up on it when we read.
Having books at home is a must, but it doesn't mean it has to cost you an arm and a leg! Visit libraries regularly, try charity shops, borrow off friends. Having books regularly available for kids when the urge to read hits is a game changer.
I find my kids reading throughout the day, especially when we have some new library books in!