FREE Creative Writing Worksheets for Kids. 35 Pages of fun!
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Creative Writing Worksheets for kids - 35 Pages!
35 Pages of Creative Writing Worksheets for kids!
Why not incorporate these creative writing prompts into your homeschool day?
I would say it is a must! There's so much to be gained from the skill of creative writing.
But when? (I hear you ask)
I get it! Homeschool days can sometimes be full on! And honestly sometimes just the thought of having to add another item into your day could send you over the edge! (If that is the case then pleaseeee don't attempt to add anything in to your homeschool day until you feel like it's doable - We can't do everything!)
However if it's something you think you can handle but are struggling to decide when to incorporate it i gotchu!
First and foremost I would say, don't over complicate things!
I would say I am the queeeeeen of over complicating things! Like my brain doesn't let me rest until I have organised something to the tiniest detail!
I'm talking, there was a time when I would spend so long trying to organise everythingggg so well that in the end I wouldn't even end up doing it because I took it too far!
Consistency is key
Just pick a time in the day when you can consistently do them.
So this could be something some thing like in the morning while you get breakfast ready. Or in the afternoon straight after lunch.
A time where you can add a short 10 minute creative writing activity in.
Ideally you want to pick the same time everyday. That way both you and your child know what to expect and it's much more likely to actually get done!
I know some days your schedule will be crazy busy while other days you are home all day and can fit things in. Actually something I once saw online and now try to implement is, when trying to add something new into our timetable, add it on to something you already do everyday. That way you are more likely to remember to do it.
These kinds of creative writing worksheets, although can be used for all kids, they can be particularly helpful with those who struggle to get creative with their writing. Trust me I would know!
Sometimes no amount of motivational speeches or encourgement seem to work.
These worksheet tend to work for a few reasons:
Firstly: This activity isn't set as "work" and is just an addition to the day. So it's often not as intimidating and over time I've found my kids to really come into their own!
Secondly: There is very little expectation of the child.
The aim is to let them get creative and get their imagination going without feeling any pressure for perfection.
Also: Kind of stemming off of that, we also aren't looking for perfect handwriting. Perfection has no place here! Whether they rush through it with scruffy hand or misspell every word, it doesn't matter. Those are not the targets for this exercise.
We want progress, not perfection
One thing we've really found helpful for our homeschool is losing the expectation that our children must do all the writing.
Once I implemented this into our homeschool I notced my kids relax and let their creativity flow!
We need to remember, for this particular task at hand we are focusing on the content, not the handwriting.
After initially reading Julie's book, I asked my daughter to tell me her story/ideas while I do the writing for her.
I realised she told me soo many more details than she usually adds into her stories!
When I asked her to why she doesn't write stories the way she tells them, she simply said it's because she didn't want to do all that writing so was cutting her story short!
This was honestly eye opening! My expectation for them to write more than they wanted to ended up hindering their progress as they just limited their writing so they don't need to do so much of it.
And let's be realistic, some people just don't like writing! But they can be so good at other aspects. So why not help strengthen their strength and work on their weaknesses seperately.
Is that productive?
I know this can seem counter productive. Especially since as homeschoolers we try to get the most out of each activity.
But focusing solely on the weak points means you are giving them undivided attention for just that task. Which I honestly think means quicker progress.
It also means they won't be put off other tasks just because they are coupled with tasks they don't particularly enjoy or feel confident with.
This book is something we initially bought to help the kids create stories without the pressure of having to think of the characters/scene etc. (The book actually gives a list of ideas for you to choose from.)
But I noticed my kids didn't really use it much so it just sat on the shelf for a while.
However after having done some creative writing prompt etc I now find them using the book and get really creative with their story writing! (What a win! YAY)
Again when they use these books I have no expectations from them other than to get a story at the end of it. Writing, spellings, grammar are all out of the window when we begin. If the story progresses, we then sometimes go back and correct the spellings and grammar and write it out with neater handwriting.
I feel like I harp on about these books quite a lot. But when it comes to building confidence in writing these have been brilliant! We bought them for our eldest and we still have and use them with our youngest.
Here's a snippet of the inside. Each page isn't like this so there's a lot to be gained from it.