Free Palestine activity pack for kids
Free Palestine activity pack for kids

Palestine activity pack for kids
This free Palestine activity pack aims to introduce young minds to the beauty and richness of the Palestinian culture in an accessible and engaging manner.
I have created these Palestine worksheets for kids as it's something we like to incorporate into our homeschool.
The Palestine activity pack has been created in the hope that it sparks curiosity about the Palestinian culture as well as promoting creativity.
The activity pack shows a tiny glimpse of the Palestinian culture, in a simple way, to help children become more aware and understanding of the culture.
It also helps kids understand and value differences, encouraging a positive outlook and planting the seeds of worldwide understanding and empathy from a young age.
It's important to teach our children about the people of Palestine and their culture, especially with all the atrocities which have been, and are currently occurring in Palestine today!
Basically, I hope that by using this Palestine activity pack, your children can feel a deeper connection to the Palestinians, and in turn, feeling love for them.
Let's raise empaths
Unfortunately with the state of the world today we need to take extra steps to make sure our children view all human life as sacred. It's crazy how almost everywhere you go or hear about, people who are pro Palestine are being silenced in one way or another. Whether that's children at school, adults at university and even those who are peacefully protesting. It's so sad that the world has come to this.
And because of the state of the world it is imperative that we take matters in our own hands and teach our children that these feelings of sympathy and empathy they are feeling towards the oppressed are not only normal feelings but are ok and actually good! They need to know that feeling for the oppressed is a sign of a good person which is one of the most important things we can be. Good people.
By taking part in simple activities learning about another culture, children will naturally feel a closer connection to the people of that culture and the large divide that may have once been there, will eventually decrease.
Have you seen this?

We also have this book which is an absolute GEM!
It's brimming with so much information about Palestine and it's beautiful people and culture. I actually saw a lot of people sharing it on instagram. But the review left by Let's learn mama made me decide to purchase the book (mainly because she shared snippets of the inside). And I'm so glad I did!
What's included:
In this pack, have included a variety of types of activities such as:
- Making a dice
- Cutting
- Word search
- Drawing
- Colouring and more.
- We've also included simple activities like colouring pages
- Basic puzzles
- And easy-to-understand facts.
- With this we aim to provide an age-appropriate introduction to the diverse aspects of Palestinian life.
- The pack also contains a traditional Palestinian flatbread recipe which you can bake with your child. This is so you really get your children actively involved in the Palestinian culture. My kids love getting involved in the kitchen, but it doesn't happen too often, so something like this would be the perfect opportunity to let them get involved.
This activity pack has been downloaded hundreds of times and we've had some amazing feedback. (Honestly feedback means so much to me. Firstly knowing that you enjoy my downloads. And secondly the fact that you took time out of your day to message me gives me the feels!)
We looove seeing our worksheets in use so please do tag us or dm on instagram if you use them with your children.
More resources
There are quite a few resources out there teaching children about Palestine. One of our favourites is this free pdf book download from Muslim Childrens books teaching kids about what is happening with Palestine.
I read a quote recently that said "I homeschool because I want to teach my children how to think, not what to think". And it really made me realise how crazy it is that some schools in the UK won't allow students to speak against the genocide!
We are in the midst of this crazy movement where we are essentially being told "it's our way or the highway".
I want to teach my children to make their own decisions about what they believe, after looking at all the facts.
Just because our government cares more about money and power than the lives of others, doesn't mean that I want my children to think that's ok!
I want them to think outside the box, look at all the facts, question things and make an informed decision.
It's time we focus on making our children good humans, above being anything else! Just because our government is helping fund a genocide, doesn't mean we can just accept it and go about our lives. At the very least we need to prepare our children to stand against any sort of oppression.
Download your freebie!
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Have you seen our post about our morning basket routine?
I use the word "morning" extremely loosely here. Using our basket in the morning is definitely a rare occasion for us.
I'm not much of a morning person (I would literally use one of my 3 wishes to become one!) so trying to add more into our morning than we already have, just isn't realistic or wise!
We haven't been using a morning basket for too long and it's fast become one of my favourite homeschool activities.
It honestly feels like a homeschool cheat code lol. It's an awesome way to incorporate so much into your day without the extra stress or prep work.
In all honestly I've known about morning baskets for ages but in my mind I thought our mornings are busy enough without the extra stress. Turns out the morning basket was created to reduce stress, not create more!