Free Printable CVC Worksheets
CVC Word & Picture Match Activity. FREE Printable

I have 4 FREE CVC words worksheet packs for preschool children available in this post so make sure you grab them all!
First and foremost we need to understand why learning CVC words are so important. And what impact learning them has on your child's learning journey.
- CVC words are simple, three-letter words with a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, such as “cat,” “dog,” and “sit.”
- These words are an excellent starting point for young children to learn to read.
- CVC Words are one of the first building blocks of learning to read.
- They are by far the most simple words to read so are ideal when you first start teaching to read.
- Those of me who follow me on instagram know I always say this, but there is no need to wait for your child to learn the entire alphabet before beginning cvc words.
- In fact, I recommend starting cvc words as soon as your child knows 5-10 letters!
- CVC words provide a strong foundation for literacy. Once children can identify and blend these basic three-letter words, they can begin to decode and read more complex words.
- CVC words allow children to practise associating specific sounds with letters, which is crucial for reading and spelling.
- As children learn to read and write CVC words, they gain confidence in their ability to read simple texts. This can help motivate them to work towards bigger goals with their reading journey.
- CVC words are frequently found in early reading materials and beginner-level books so it’s a good idea to read them with your child.
Once you feel that your child is confident with the alphabet, CVC words are a great tool for helping with blending, easing the transition to learning to read.

Your child will love this free CVC word activity!
This free printable is a brilliant addition to your homeschool!
These worksheets are awesome for helping with CVC words. They focus specifically on words with the “a” sound to help familiarise your child with it before moving on.
Get Creative with CVC words!
Colour or paint the pictures before cutting and sticking the letters.
These worksheets help with letter recognition and blending sounds. This activity also contributes to the development of hand-eye coordination through the cutting and sticking elements.
This specific free cvc word activity worksheet pack focuses on the short “a” sound.
I would recommend introducing CVC words to your child once they are familiar with a few letters. Just slowly sounding then reading the words out for the child can help them begin to understand how words can be broken down.
Some children are able to read CVC words before knowing the full alphabet. Just by practicing sounding out the words they are familiar with.
Personally thats’s what I would recommend. Mainly because once your child starts recognising the letter sound connection and how they join together to make words, they will be able to start reading so much faster.

Download your CVC cut & stick freebie!
More CVC freebies

This download comprises of 6 worksheets, each with a differenrt method but focusing on the same words. They range from basic to slightly more complex. And of course, they contain spaces for your child to draw pictures which they can then colour in, making the worksheets that much more fun!
Download your picture match freebie!
Make learning fun

This CVC word activity, you NEED to try in your homeschool! Best of all? It’s completely free!
A 2 player game working on teaching CVC words.
In school, children start learning cvc words during reception and year 1. However the beauty of homeschooling in that you and your child decide when to start doing them.
When your child is at the beginning of their reading journey it’s ideal to start using CVC words (consonant vowel consonant). So simple CVC word activities are ideal at this point.
They are simple, easy to read words which give your child the practice thy need to grow their reading journey.
How to play:
- Each player chooses a coloured pencil (or felt tip or paint – which ever they prefer).
- The players take turns to throw the dice and read the corresponding word starting at the bottom.
- Once read they can then colour in the word with their chosen colour.
- The aim of the game is to be the first player to reach the top.
- One colour per child is ideal as it helps keep track of each child’s word.
If you don’t have 2 children of a similar age that can enjoy this CVC word activity, you could either play with them yourself – or if you want to use that time to work with your other children – you could let them play by themselves, using 2 colours and seeing which one wins!
Download your "race to the top" freebie
CVC Worksheet fun for preschoolers

This activity is super fun and hands on.
It’s a brilliant way to get started with CVC words.
CVC words are simple, three-letter words with a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, such as “cat,” “dog,” and “sit.” These words are an excellent starting point for young children to learn to read.
This activity is my go to when teaching CVC words. I feel like it’s a must for every homeschool!
I’ve used this with most of my children and can honestly see it’s had such a huge impact on their reading.
Sometimes children need something a little more hands on.
So get them to colour in the worksheets and cut them out themselves (if they are able to).
When they feel more involved in the process they are more likely to keep a high level of enthusiasm towards said activity.
Because this activity isn’t set as “work” and is just a fun craft, it’s often not as intimidating and they’re much more likely to remember what they’ve learnt.
This activity can be adapted in so many ways and it makes learning a fun and memorable experience.
If your child struggles to grasp a certain letter pattern e.g. “igh” you could use this method and I can almost guarantee they will pick it up so quickly.
It’s a tried and tested method which most of my children have used to aid their reading journeys with great success.
You can skip the printing and just make your own.
(However we have made it as printer friendly as possibly, meaning we haven’t filled any large spaces with colour – plus that way your kid has more to colour! Win!
Remember that patience and consistency are key when teaching CVC words to children. Each child learns at their own pace, so be supportive and celebrate their progress.