FREE Printable Time tables Worksheets
FREE Printable Time tables Worksheets

Why did we create these FREE printable time tables worksheets and how would we teach our children the time tables?
I don't know about you but when my child reached the point in their book which needed them to learn their times tables, there was little to no help with the book! 😩
I definitely felt at a loss when I was homeschooling my older children as I was new to the home schooling world.
As time went on I managed to come up with a system of learning time tables which worked for us. So of course I want to share it with you all!
Over the years I’ve learnt how I can best help my kids with them and I’m finally at a stage where I know exactly what I’m doing and can get it done within a good timeframe.
Now, the way in which you teach would depend massively on the age/ability of the child.
I taught my 6 year old with this method (and I’ve found this to work the best for us).

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Let's get started!
- First thing I do is to visually show him what it means. So we worked on “lots of 2s”
1 lots of 2 is 2…2 lots of 2 is 4 etc. So we spent around 10 minutes grouping things into two’s and seeing what happens when we add more groups of two’s. I found this helped him understand what it was that he was learning.
- Next I grab a visual of 1 timetable. Whether that’s a book or poster. You don’t need to go and buy a book or poster, you can simply write them out. But make it a little more visually interesting than simply writing them out on a plain paper with pen.
I've made these printable posters for you so head over and get them printed (and laminated for durability).
We started with 2 x tables (but we only worked on the first half of them to begin with).
I had him read them out loud around 10 times just so he can familiarise himself with them.
- Then once we had read over it a few times we used the printable time tables worksheets above and had a go to see what we remember. We wrote them out 3 times and marked them together each time. If there were mistakes we would make "lots of 2" so we can see where we went wrong.

To save me from printing them again and again I stick the sheets in these wipe clean pockets, that way we can reuse them over and over again - I printed mine soo long ago but they're still going strong)🥳

Simplify the time tables
We alternated between writing them on the white board and using the worksheets.
We then did the same for the 3 times tables, 4 times tables and 5 times tables.
- Once he had slightly improved we started using a free app called MathShed (pictured below). It gives you the option to do 1 table at a time so we would select the table we were currently working on and do it approximately 5 times (or until he was bored- he would usually not get bored but would need to stop due to the queue which was forming behind him😅)
Since I was teaching my 7 year old and 6 year old at the same time I would get them to test each other, which led them to competing with each other which really helped speed up the process!
- Once he managed to get them all correct 3 times in a row we moved onto the next one, however we practised the previous one twice a day up until the moment he knew all of them. (We would also practise them on the app daily)
- Sometimes I would use the app and read out the question and the children need to shout out the answer, this was so fun and we had a good laugh during these mini quizzes!

Honestly it really was that simple. THE most important part of it was consistency!
We took a month out of our usual schedule to focus a lot of our energy on the timetables.
I started teaching my 7 and 6 year olds all at the same time.
Of course, they didn’t work at the same pace and I didn’t expect them to. 7 year old finished first and was able to have a go testing her younger brother. It was definitely helpful having them work on the same thing.
If you don't have siblings who can learn together, you can still get them to test each other - it's a nice break from the same person teaching them.
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Need more ideas?
Do you have a toddler who needs to learn to count?
This post goes into detail with step by step instructions on how to teach your toddler to count.
Click here to view the post.
Homeschooling is a mammoth task so any help or instruction is a bonus!
As a mum of 6 who has taught all of her children to count I'm happy to share what we have tried and what has worked for us.
That's not to say I haven't tried things that have failed miserably. We've had our fair share of failures. But thankfully we've also had many success stories (which is the only reason I'm confident enough to share what's worked for us).
Once your child learns how to count, it's like a domino effect. One by one all the dominos start falling faster and faster and it can help your child in so many aspects, not only when working through their maths workbook.
I also have some free worksheets for you to download to help your toddler to count.