How to Handle Burnout as a Homeschool Mum

How to Handle Burnout as a Homeschool Mum (Without Losing Your Sanity)

Homeschool Burnout is SO real!

 Homeschooling is incredible, but it can also be exhausting. Between lesson planning, keeping up with housework, and making sure everyone is fed, it’s easy to feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water. If you’re a mum trying to juggle it all, you might feel like burnout is just around the corner—or maybe it’s already hit.

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to live in survival mode. Let’s talk about how to spot burnout, deal with it, and keep it from creeping back into your life.

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What Does Homeschool Burnout Look Like?

First and foremost, burnout doesn’t always scream at you—it whispers (In the beginning stages anyway). Here’s what to look for:

  • You’re always tired, no matter how much coffee you drink. (Even if it's out of this CUTE coffee mug!)
  • The thought of planning another lesson makes you want to hide in your room (we’ve all been there).
  • You’re snapping at your kids more than usual. And then feel guilty later on.
  • You feel guilty because you’re not as patient or creative as you “should” be. Or as much as you see others being.
  • You’ve started wondering if homeschooling was the right choice.

Sound familiar? If it does, just know: you’re not failing, you’re just overwhelmed! And you’re not alone! TRUST ME! YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE!

How to Handle Burnout as a Homeschool Mum

Why Are You Feeling Burned Out?

Let’s be honest—burnout happens when you’re trying to do all the things. Mums often face extra pressures, either those we put on ourselves, or those thrust upon us. Like:

1. Unrealistic Expectations: Social media makes it look like every other mum has a spotless house, perfectly behaved kids, and a Pinterest-worthy homeschool. (Guess what: they don’t. Seriously!) It's so easy to compare yourself to them, just remember, even they are comparing their reality to their social media!

2. Too Much on Your Plate: You’re not just a teacher—you’re also running a household (which is a WHOLE job in itself), raising tiny humans (another whole job!), and maybe even working a side hustle.

3. Lack of Time for Yourself: You give 100% to everyone else and leave zero for yourself. (Boy did I learn that the hard way).

4. Loneliness: If you’re the only one in your friend group homeschooling, it can feel isolating.

How to Handle Burnout as a Homeschool Mum

How to Handle Burnout and Recharge

Ready to overcome the burnout? Here are some practical steps that actually work:

1. Lower Your Standards (Yes, Really!)

Not every day has to be a "perfect" homeschooling day. Focus on what really matters—reading, maths, and some creative play. (Don't overthink the creative play, it could be as simple as some bits from the recycling bin and some glue and scissors.) It’s okay if the art project doesn’t happen or the house looks “lived in.” Take each day as it comes

2. Incorporate Breaks Into Your Day

Think about your energy as a phone battery—if you never plug in, you’re going to crash. You need breaks as much as the next person. We aren't trying to be "super mum" we are just trying to survive and be at peace.


  • Morning Recharge: Take some time to yourself before you start your day. Even if that’s just 15 minutes to drink your coffee in peace. This doesn't have to mean you wake up at 5am. The kids could be awake and doing their own thing while you enjoy a moment to yourself. 
  • Midday Reset: Let your kids have independent play, quiet reading time or screen time while you relax (no guilt allowed!). Relaxing could be having lunch in peace.
  • Seasonal Breaks: Schedule a few days or a week off every few months. You’ll all come back refreshed. This doesn’t have to correlate with school holidays. Do what works for your schedule! There was a time I used to take Fridays off. It was a day I would completely relax. We would make a trip to the library and once home the kids would spend the day reading and I would completely chill. Then we would eat pizza for dinner, so no cooking for me either
  • Our Fridays are still more relaxed than the rest of the week.
coffee date

3. Find Your Homeschool Tribe

You don’t have to do this alone! Join a local homeschool group or connect with other moms online. Sometimes, just venting to someone who gets it makes all the difference.  It's what my Fridays were for! 🤭 Friends who don’t homeschool won’t truly understand.

4. Prioritise Self-Care (No It’s Not Selfish!)

Taking time to care for yourself makes you a better mum and teacher. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Some things you can do are:

  • Move Your Body: Whether it’s pilates, a walk, or a quick workout, exercise boosts your mood. Even just a quick tidy up around the house can give you a boost!
  • Do What You Love: Read a book, meet a friend for a coffee date (or maybe go for one alone), or pick up a hobby. If you have nowhere to leave the kids, grab a coffee to go and head to the park with a friend. That way the kids play and you get a break.
  • Set Boundaries: Tell your partner or older kids when you need alone time—then take it! This could be a day every month or just 20 mins a day. Do what suits you.

5. Change Things Up

Try something new:

  • Do lessons outside or at the park.
  • Have a “yes day” where kids pick the activities (within reason!).
  • Skip the textbooks and spend the day reading, baking, or exploring science experiments.
homeschool fun

How to Prevent Burnout Long-Term

Once you’ve recovered, let’s make sure burnout stays in the rearview mirror.

  • Simplify Your Homeschool: Keep it simple and sustainable. A solid foundation beats a packed curriculum every single time.
  • Create a Routine That Works for You: Not a morning person? Start later. Love a structured day? Plan accordingly. Do what fits your family’s vibe. Homeschool looks different for everyone.
  • Celebrate the Small Wins: Whether it’s finishing a book or a peaceful morning, take time to acknowledge your successes. Remember homeschooling isn't for the weak! So that fact that you are on this journey is a huge achievement in itself!

You’ve Got This, Mama

Burnout doesn’t mean you’re failing—it means you’re human. It’s okay to slow down, take a breath, and regroup. Homeschooling is a journey, not a sprint, and your well-being is just as important as your kids’ education.

So, here’s your permission slip to rest, simplify, and enjoy this season of life. You’re doing amazing things, even on the hard days.