Making 10. Number Bonds

Making 10. Number Bonds

Addition facts practise begins with making 10.

Teaching your child number bonds of 10 will make their life so much easier. If you think about how you do addition in your head, knowing which 2 numbers make up 10 plays such a big role!

Knowing number bonds of 10 help lay a strong foundation for maths. It can aid in many different parts of life.

5 Benefits of learning Number Bonds

1.  Knowing number bonds can help children understand the relationship between numbers. Namely how they can be combined and split. This lays the foundation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and even division! This really shows how it aids in all areas of maths!

2.  Knowing number bonds can help with speed. Children can quickly figure out mathematical equations in their head using their number bonds knowledge.

make 10 number bonds

3.  Number bonds can help improve your child’s problem solving skills. Meaning it can aid not only with their maths work but also with day to day problems. Like doubling recipe quantities.

4.  When children learn “making 10” they will soon gain confidence in maths, which can then carry over to other areas of their learning.

5.  Making 10 helps children begin to understand place value. When making 10 they learn that “units (or ones)” put together can create “tens”.

It’s so important to take your time teaching your child the foundations of maths.

Using fun, hands-on ways to teach are much more likely to keep your child’s attention. And it’s been proven that children are much more likely to retain knowledge they learnt in a more interactive way where they had a hands-on element to it.

These worksheets are also great for helping teaching number bonds. Click here to download.

I really love these for visualising making 10. Click here to see.

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