Free Printable Time Tables Posters
Free Printable Time Table Posters

You do not want to miss out on these printable time table posters!
These posters have been created for you guys to use with your children. They are 100% FREE.
When I was teaching my children their time tables, I found that having a visual aid reallyyy helped! So with that in mind, these posters were created.
As parents who homeschool, we know education costs can add up so quickly!
Honestly as parents in general, the cost of educating our children can sometimes be sky high! Especially for those families with multiple children.
I, a mum of 6, have been home educating all my kids for over 10 years, and I’ve found that costs can definitely snowball!
That’s why this blog is all about sharing FREE resources that make learning easier and more affordable for our kids.

Pretty yet practical, these posters are sure to look cute in your child’s bedroom or playroom. Or even stick them on the fridge!
The pastel design is so cute and makes the perfect addition to any playing or learning space.
Time table posters - to be or not to be?
If (like me) your walls are already so busy and you can’t bear the thought of another poster on the wall, I would recommend keeping them in a folder and using them as and when needed.
If so then you neeed to laminate them! That way you can go over them with your child without having to worry about them getting ruined or ripped.
Just pull out the one your child is currently learning and once they know it well then put it back in the folder and get the next one out.
If you have multiple children then it's definitely worth taking the time to laminate them (if you aren’t displaying them as posters) since they will become so much more durable. And durability is what we need when it comes to kids!
Especially when it’s more than one child!
(I try to make my worksheets as printer friendly as possible and I have done so with these posters too but it would still be helpful to not have to print them again and again).

What do I get in this printable?
This download consists of 12 posters, 1 for each multiplication table.
They are all A4 sized so can be printed without difficulty on standard paper.
Previously I’ve used posters with my children where the large poster displays all 12 time tables and I didn’t find them to be as effective as I’d had hoped.
I assume it’s mainly because there’s just far too much information on one poster to really grasp the child’s attention.
So with these individual posters, that shouldn’t be an issue.
They are easy to read and condensed enough that there isn’t an overwhelming amount of information.

Homeschooling Schedule
The beauty of homeschooling is that you can choose your schedule to your current needs.
So when I taught my children their timetables, I took a break from all other workbooks etc and focused solely on teaching timetables.
Obviously they still did their activities and clubs etc, but aside from that we only focused on timetables.
We use the Galore Parks maths books and when we got to a certain part in the book it literally said, stop here and learn the timetables before continuing. So that’s what we did!
(Don’t get me wrong, with the older child I definitely didn’t do that).
But when you get to a certain part of your child’s maths journey, they really need to know their timetables to make their life soo much easier!
So even though my eldest tried to go through her book while learning the timetables on the side, I found that my younger children ended up getting much further, much quicker and with more ease! Because they were able to work out the calculations much easier.
Download Your Timetable Posters Freebie!
Timetable Bookmarks

If you have an avid reader who is learning their timetables, then these bookmarks are a must have!
Again, a FREE download for you to simply print, cut and laminate and you’re good to go!
Honestly even if your child knows them, these are great to keep their brain refreshed.
You’d be surprised how much attention children pay to a bookmark!
I’ve created these in the same cute pastel theme because…well they’re so cute!
You could even hole punch the top corner and use a key ring to keep them together. Then use them as a quiz game to test each other.
They are great to take on car journeys, or to use during dinner time or snack time. (Another reason why I would recommend laminating them!)
Honestly teaching your children time tables is SO important not only in the mathematics journey but also in the confidence when it comes to maths.
When doing equations, knowing the time tables can help decrease the amount of effort your child needs to put in. It can take a lesson from difficult and boring, to easy and enjoyable!
The same can be said for knowing the number bonds. Especially the number bonds to 10.
I feel like once your child knows the number bonds to 10, the rest sort of flow. And with that information, they are able to work out equations much quicker and easier,
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