Ramadan Good Deeds Cards (30)
30 day Ramadan Good Deeds Cards

These 30 day Ramadan good deed cards are an awesome activity for your kids. Teach them empathy, compassion, selflessness, awareness of Allah and much more.
It’s important to teach children about Ramadan, not only the fasting aspect of it (which is of course super exciting!) but other aspects too! This is why we have created these Ramadan Good Deeds Cards!
Create excitement for Ramadan
From an early age we need to teach our children to utilise this precious time we have during Ramadan and not waste it before it’s too late.
- Yes, our homeschool schedule should look different during this month.
- Yes, our kids must know Ramadan is different to every other month. There should be excitement, a build up for the coming month.
- We need more ibaadah, more love, more spirituality, more discipline etc.
The beauty of homeschooling is that we can create a schedule that works for us and allows us to get more out of our time.

These Ramadan good deed cards have been created with your children in mind.
The aim is that they are used to help teach our children about doing good deeds consistently.
It can help make them more mindful of their behaviour throughout the day as they will need to make sure they have completed their daily good deed.
The cards are the perfect place to begin and in sha Allah over time they will try to do a daily good deed without the need for the cards.
(Also the cards are great to begin with because sometimes it’s difficult for children to try to come up with ideas, so these are a great aid).
Save for many Ramadans to come
I suggest keeping these cards durable so they can be used time and time. Cut the cards and then laminate them (and then cut again). This way they will be much more sturdy as well as somewhat waterproof.
Go that extra mile and hole punch one corner of each card and link together with a keyring hoop.
Have you seen our range of Ramadan printables?
Feel free to check them out and share the link to our website to others!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing you guys using our resources. It honestly warms my heart knowing all my hard work is paying off!
Please do tag me on instagram! @life_without_school

Make the most of Ramadan
During months like Ramadan is when you can truly appreciate the blessing that is being in a position to homeschool. Homeschooling means you can change up your routines and delve deeper into Ramadan since you have more time.
That's not to say children who go to school can't benefit from the month of Ramadan. Far from it. But homeschoolers have more flexibility and time which makes things that much easier.
You should teach your children that the purpose of fasting isn't simply to abstain from food and drink.
Rather to attain taqwa ( God consciousness) as Allah states in the Qur’an
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may be mindful of God” (2:183)

Make the most of Ramadan
There are so many benefits of fasting and it’s important to teach our children these benefits too.
There are many spiritual benefits.
1. The first being Enhanced taqwa (God consciousness) - Fasting helps muslims develop a closer relationship with their creator. It’s a constant reminder of Him throughout the entire day.
2. Self disciple - fasting helps one to control their desires which leads to stronger self discipline.
3. Gratitude - fasting creates empathy in one's heart as a fasting person can understand how difficult the lives of the less fortunate are. Giving up food and drink from dawn to dusk can help increase people’s generosity.
4. Purification - Ramadan is a time for muslims to ask for forgiveness and to abstain from many things. Whether that's food and drink or lying, swearing and backbiting, helping purify the soul.

Fasting isn’t only a spiritual experience. There are many psychological benefits to fasting:
1. Mental clarity - Many people have reported that during fasting they have improved mental focus and clarity.
2. Reduced stress - During Ramadan muslims engage in regular prayers which leads to lower stress levels.
3. Increased self esteem - Successfully completing a fast can help boost one’s self esteem and confidence due to the sense of accomplishment.
There are also many physical benefits of fasting. Some of which are:
1.Detox the body - Fasting is the perfect way to detoxify the body from toxins which can leave one feeling rejuvenated.
2. Weight - Fasting can aid in weight management due to being in a calorie deficit.
3. Improve digestive issues - Fasting provides a break of regularly eating throughout the day which allows the digestive system to get a rest which can aid in improving its efficiency and one's overall health.
4. Help blood sugar levels - Again due to taking longer breaks from eating, fasting can help regulate blood sugar levels. This can help prevent or manage diabetes.
5. Heart health - Fasting has been proven to improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.
Fasting also has many Social benefits:
1. Ramadan is an opportunity to gather with the community. To host iftar for others or simply gift iftar.
2. It’s also a time when one has the opportunity to attend the masjid regularly. Whether that’s for salah, iftar or gatherings and lectures.
3. Since there is increased focus on charity during Ramadan, This is the perfect opportunity to run some charitable activities.
This could involve your local community. Whether that’s doing a bake sale or taking donations at the masjid.

Fasting can also have an impact on your overall Lifestyle:
1. Ramadan provides the perfect opportunity to break unhealthy habits like smoking or overeating.
2. It’s also an opportunity to not only break bad habits but to also create new habits. Habits that are beneficial for you, whether that be physically or spiritually.
It’s important to explain these benefits to our children to encourage them to make the most of the blessed month of Ramadan. The reason why I feel these Ramadan good deeds cards have an important role during Ramadan, is because they help encourage your child. They are a reminder to stop and remember to do good because Allah is always watching.
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