Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Reading Comprehension Worksheet FREE

These reading comprehension worksheets focus on helping your child learn to understand and be able to pick out key information from texts.
There are 10 worksheets to download and print. Each one comes with a few short sentences with some information about certain characters or settings and then some very basic, easy to understand questions.
As always I like to keep the worksheets in black and white for 2 reasons. One, so that they are printer friendly and two so that your child has something to colour at the end. It’s always exciting knowing you get to colour when you’re done. I know my kids are always looking forward to any opportunity to colour!
Reading comprehension offers so many benefits for your child. So it’s ideal to get started with it when they’re young with very simple exercises.

What is Reading Comprehension?
Maybe I should have started with this!
Put simply, reading comprehension is the ability to understand and take information from written texts.
It’s not just about recognising and understanding words. It goes far beyond that.
It essentially allows the reader to make sense of what they’ve read. To actually understand what they’ve read.
To do this, children are usually taught the skill of reading comprehension, whether that’s at school or at home.
A little practice and your child will soon whizz through it.
As children get older they go into it on a much deeper level, especially when they are heading towards exams but for now, when they’re only little, we want to keep it as simple and straightforward as we can.
Having said that, reading comprehension isn’t only useful for sitting exams!
It’s necessary for everyday tasks such as communicating effectively, understanding written material (like instructions, emails etc) and so much more.
I would argue the skill of reading comprehension really is a life skill.
Usually when we talk about life skills we hear a lot about: how to take the bus, or how to cook, do laundry, change a flat tire etc. However I feel reading comprehension needs to be on that list just as much!

Why is reading comprehension important/beneficial?
- Firstly, it improves language skills by enhancing vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. The more exposure your child has to something the quicker and more thoroughly they will pick up on it and the more it will benefit them.
- Secondly, it encourages things like critical thinking and reasoning skills. This is where children are learning to make connections.
- Next, this is where children are required to focus on a text and remember details. This way they’re able to work on their attention span and concentration skills. Which is always a win!
- Also, children learn to find solutions to problems as reading comprehension can enhance their logical thinking ability.
- There are so many more benefits but one that I couldn’t leave out and will end with, is building confidence. When children work on reading comprehension skills, they gain so much confidence in their ability to read and understand. This honestly carries over to so many aspects of their lives!