9 Awesome Outdoor educational activities
9 Awesome Outdoor Educational Activities
With summer approaching (although in the UK it will probably last the whole of 3 weeks) I’ve been looking at some fun, outdoor educational activities so we can head outside. Because who said learning needs to be done only indoors?
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The beauty of homeschooling is that you can decide your classroom for the day. During the summer months we like to get outdoors a lot more and knowing that we are still getting in some learning is a BIG plus and doesn’t leave me feeling like maybe I should have spent more time “teaching”. So these outdoor educational activities are perfect!
It’s currently mid May and we have had like 2 glorious days of sunshine! Hey, a win is a win!

I feel like once the summer months start approaching, homeschoolers everywhere start getting ready to gather their books and head outdoors! And rightly so! Such a massive benefit of homeschooling is the beauty of spending time in the empty parks and outdoor spaces during school hours! So why not make the most of it.
It’s actually one of the main reasons why we take our holidays at a separate time to school holidays. Once the school holidays begin the parks, libraries etc are completely full with the school children enjoying a well deserved break! This is when I tend to hibernate. Once the kids are back at school, this is when we head out for our fun! (I know a lot of homeschoolers do this because straight after the school holidays there tends to be a few home educating families at the park.)
Summer weather and homeschooling can only meet one things. Outdoor educational activities! The fun out outdoors while still learning.

There’s times where you head out to enjoy the sun and come home feeling bad that you didn’t get much work done.
I’m sure many of us have felt that way at some point. So what better way than to head outdoors but get some work done at the same time.
And no I’m not suggesting taking your books out with you.
It’s a great idea to enjoy some fun educational outdoor games so you can enjoy the sun guilt free!
Now let's get outdoors!
- Melting experiment - https://frugalfun4boys.com/simple-science-experiment-for-kids-what-melts-in-the-sun/
This melting experiment by Frugal Fun for Boys is brilliant! When the suns out you can grab your items and head outside. It’s a longer form experiment but definitely a fun one. What I love most is that you will most definitely have all the items on hand!
- Nature journal - https://happydealhappyday.com/handmade-personal-journal/
OMG This nature journal by Happy Deal Day is soo cute! It’s such a crafty yet natural style journal. You can get really creative with it.
- Outdoor maths game (Chalk) - https://www.messforless.net/outdoor-math-game/
This outdoor maths game from Mess for Less is the perfect mix of outdoors, learning and movement! And all you need are some chalks and some eager beavers. Make sure you take some bottles of water with you because you’ll definitely be needing them!
- Sight word soccer - https://chalkacademy.com/sight-word-soccer/
This sight word soccer (or football for us in the UK) game from Chalk Academy is a must! With only a few items you can get your kids playing for hours! Get the whole family involved with more difficult words for the older kids.
- Sight word bounce - https://susanjonesteaching.com/sight-word-bounce-fun-outdoor-sight-word-game/
This sight word bounce game from Susan Jones Teaching is such a fun outdoor game. With only a few resources and not much prep time you could enjoy this activity with your kids while they practice their sight words.

Elevate your homeschool this summer
- Sight word water balloons - https://primaryplayground.net/sight-word-water-balloon-toss/
OK wait! This is genius Primary Playground! This game is perfect for those super hot days playing outside. It will help keep the kids cool so, can last as long as you want it to last!
And if you get these, you won’t need to worry about running out of water balloons! - https://amzn.to/3K6yrSd
- Data handling - https://creativestarlearning.co.uk/maths-outdoors/information-or-data-handling-activities-outdoors/
OK this activity from Creative Star Learning is just so clever! It’s so simple with only a few resources needed but so very creative! This kind of activity is perfect for those students who either dislike or struggle with data handling. Anything outdoors is automatically more fun! Especially when it’s done at a larger scale!
- Addition with rocks - https://creativefamilyfun.net/rock-sums/
Creative Family Fun came up with this brilliant maths activity. It’s so simple yet so effective. Honestly it just goes to show you don’t need a whole bunch of resources to get leaning outdoors!
These DIY paint brushes from Apple Green Cottage are so cool! I love how different brushes will have a whole different style of applying paint. Anything that shows kids how to use natural resources to create what we regularly use, is a massive bonus.

This collection of activities are not only fun and educational. They are also really simple to set up. Which, let’s face it, is the BIGGEST plus!
When it’s hot out, it’s already a struggle to go about your day. And as homeschoolers we need to ensure the kids are getting their work done while also being able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
If you can’t head to the park, these games can easily be done at home in the garden.
Also I love how they can be adapted to different ages but simply changing the words to more difficult words or the mathematical equation to a more complex one .
That way you can get the whole family involved in the fun!

And like we saw on Chalk Academy's post, they can also be adapted to teach different languages! Making learning fun means not only do you the educator have a much easier time teaching since the children are much more willing to learn. But also that the children are able to grasp the information much more quickly.
The only thing that beats play based learning - is outdoor play based learning!
Majority of these activities require some chalk and a few other resources. Meaning you don’t need to buy a whole bunch of items before trying any of them. YAY!
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